I was in my early teens when I met this one person who completely turned my life upside down and who made a great impression on me from first day I met them. I perceived this person to have some sort of light around them and when they looked into your eyes, they did not look at you but right into your soul and it was extremely intense. I was completely dazzled by this person and I did not understand what was going on with me.
At age of fifteen I had a strong premonition in a dream about this person. The dream was crystal clear as everyday life and I could remember almost every detail. I had the same dream three nights in a row. I was shocked when I woke up and I did not want to believe what I had been shown. I could tell that it wasn't a normal dream because usually my dreams ware very hazy. I was even more shocked, when it all started to come true. This was also my first spiritual experience and I had no understanding of what was happening. I was sure that I didn't have any psychic faculties because it had never happened before, so I thought it must be under this person's influence. Around the same time I had other smaller experiences too that I could not explain. Once when I was in the city in a rather messy clothing store, I saw this piece of clothing that stood out to me from everything else. I just felt very attracted to it even though it wasn't anything that I would be able to wear. Guess what this person was wearing a week later? I was stunned over and over again. Every psychic experience I had around that time involved that person. I never told them anything. Actually, I left a lot unsaid to this person, which was a terrible thing to do. I thought at the time that no words could ever fix or heal the situation, but I have never been more wrong. Anyway, it will always remain a mystery to me whether they had felt the connection too. However, I don't think they did.
A few days ago I had a quite interesting conversation with a man that I had met once before. We started talking about spiritual things and he asked me what my first spiritual experience was and I told him briefly about my premonition without going into much detail. He then asked me if the person in my dream was spiritual too? My first reply was ”I don't know” but then I remembered that this person once told me and some other people that they had a clairovoyant grandmother. I also remembered them speaking about seeing a place in a dream once, which they later visited in the physical. He then told me that spiritual people are often attracted to each other (not in a sexual sense) and sometimes the connection can be very intense. He also said to me; it is interesting that it happend to you at that stage in your life, because when we go through our teens that is when we discover who we are.
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