Psychological slave
I am slave to my thoughts, to my feelings, to my own and others volitions and behaviour. I am an automatic program, a sheep, a prisioner, a sleepwalker in my own mind. So I pray for strength to overcome the evil within me. I pray my psychological song will to stop hear and now. Please give me a stick to put in the wheel! I pray for mercy for my wickedness. I pray that I will make eyes to see and ears to hear. I pray for uneasiness and a stronger desire to know myself, my neighbour, the universe and the Gods, and I pray that love, joy and peace will rule over me.

Knowing How to Listen
When you get the sense that something is wrong. That is all that is needed. You then don't need to weigh it up if it is wrong or not. The mind likes to come up with excuses and reasons to make it right, but it is only putting you in a trap. And you will then suffer the consequenses of that action. Listning to your being, your consciousness, can sometimes be like taking orders from a child. As long as one belives that one knows better, one will not learn how to listen nor how to be obedient and humble.

It is hard to believe that worry is completely unecessary, but it definitely is. We are more likely to cause more harm to the situation by giving into worry, but we think we are doing good. We need to learn to not be taken away with this state, to be patient and wait for the solution to come to us rather than we trying to patch one up. This has been proven to me over and over again and I still haven't learned.
If you want to change, change now and not tomorrow. Only what is in the moment is real and true and everything else, future, past, is an illusion.
So, if you don't make the effort to remember yourself today, nor will you make it tomorrow. It can be very hard to retreat from our daily dreamstate we find ourselves in most moments, but it is possible to wake up!Self-rememberance
If you want to change, change now and not tomorrow. Only what is in the moment is real and true and everything else, future, past, is an illusion.
The source of suffering
It is only in our own reaction that causes us misery and unhappiness, not the event itself.
Every moment spent in a daydream or a thought is devouted to selfishness, because their main concern is one self. But the time spent in the here and now in infinte inner silence is devouted to God, the inner Being. Now who are we serving?
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