Awareness is a very useful tool for well being. It activates the consciousness within us and it is a different way of being. To be aware is to be conscious of all your five senses and not letting any thought or emotion take you away. We spend most our time submerged within our mind and feelings. Almost everything we do in life we do it without being focused on it. We tend to think about other things, except when learning a new skill, studying or trying to solve a problem of some sort. We eat, get dressed, brush our teeth, walk, sit on the bus, drive our car, work and so on, thinking of something else completely unrelated. Living like this we become very scattered, our life becomes scattered with a lot of chaos. It is shocking how little time we actually spend in being in the present moment. Why do we not want to be where our life is taking place? We could be sitting in a beautiful park or walking through a rainforest and be completely caught up in our minds and not noticing the beauty and the peace of the plants, the trees and the birds or smelling the different aromas. What worth does the beauty of the external world have to us then? No wonder we are exploiting the earth's resources, polluting the air and the seas, because there is a lack of care within all of us.

However we can change if we only wish to. To become aware you start to observe everything around you and inside of you, you become aware of how your body feels, how your clothes feel on your body, what you can hear, smell, taste and see. Often when we look at things we don't really pay attention to what we are actually looking at and so try to look at things in detail. If any thought or emotion comes up you just let them go. Trying to stop ourselves from thinking is not an easy thing to do, because sometimes we feel compelled to think or we have an emotion that just won't leave. What can help is to relax your body as much as possible and just watch what is happening within you as though you are separate from it, because you are, and try then to clear yourself. It is important that you don't go along with the thoughts and emotions because then you will only make them stronger. Every emotion and thought have some sort of a pleasure to it, even unpleasant ones like anger and jealousy in a weird sort of way. They are all ego centered and that is why they are called ”egos” or ”Is” in gnosis. When we go along feeding those pleasures of the egos, we will end up feeling the opposite eventually, which is negativity, depression and sadness. No one likes to be in those states and that is why we go looking to feed even more pleasure. This is how we easily can get stuck in a vicious psychological circle, and people end up committing suicide because there seems to be no way out of the misery, but it is only an illusion of the ego.

The forces of nature work like a clock pendulum – at one end you have pleasure and at the other pain, at one end you have birth and and at the other death, growth and decay fallow the same law and also civilizations and many other things. Nothing can keep on growing forever. The pendulum will swing back to the opposite side sooner or later. However, we are not in the swing of the pendulum psychologically when we are in awareness. We are just in centered in the middle and that is the beginning to experience happiness, peace and love, which are qualities of the conciousness. When we are aware we feed the consciousness, the true us, instead of the subconcious. The essence also have latent psychic faculities such as clairvoyance, clairaudiance, intuition, telepathy and memories of past lives. It is possible to tune into these faculties if the consciousness is developed, and everyone has the ability to do it. In every moment we can make that decision whether we want to feed the light inside of us or the darkness.

Our scattered mind has also a direct impact on our dreams. When we spend our time during the day daydreaming and not being aware of where we are and what we are doing, at night those thoughts will be become images and real to us. They are however only projections of our subconscious. We could investigate a whole different dimension when our physical body is asleep and travel to distant places of the universe and get spiritual teachings, if only we would learn to be more alert and focused. We need however to start somewhere and the starting point to awareness is here and now.
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