My first clear out of body experience happened one morning when I had got up really early to practice astral projection. I had been practicing the night before for two hours and wanted to give it an other go. I had set my morning alarm at five o´clock and I forced myself out of bed and did a walk around my room so I would wake up. I laid down on the bed again on my back and tried to concentrate on my astral exercise but I was too tired. I just kept falling asleep unconsciously and waking up again so I decided to give up and rolled over to my side. But as soon as I was on my side, I felt like a strong eletrical current going through my whole body. It started with my feet and travelled upwards to the head. Next thing that happened was that my feet started to swing sideways and the swing accelerated and until my feet and legs fell down on the ground next to the bed and the rest of my body fallowed. So there I was sitting on the floor outside my own physical body in a completely different dimension. I was so happy!!! I walked around in the apartment for a bit and everything looked normal. I glimpsed into my mom's bedroom and I saw her in her lying in her bed, but I did not go into her. Instead I went into the living room where I saw the sunshine coming in through the window and from there I took off in the air...

When I woke up later I went into the living room and the sunshine was coming in through the window exactly the way that I had seen it in the astral. I was so amazed!!! This event was so important because I had just proven from direct experience that we also exist in higher dimensions and there is so much more to this world to discover! You might wonder if I was afraid when the seperation was taking place with all those strange things happening. No, but I was prepared for it. I knew I did not have anything to be afraid of. I hope that you all also get amazing experiences and will be able to discover this other dimension for yourself instead of just taking my word for it.

How to induce an Out of Body Experience
Some people are born with this ability and do it effortlessly, but most people have to practice to acquire it as an ability. Some might succeed on the first go and others after a year. It took me a month before I had my first OBE. I practiced a lot though, because I was so keen to find out if it was possible. I went to bed at eight o'clock almost every night and practiced to ten, eleven, but it gave results. And before I had my first OBE, I had experiences like seeing through my eyelids (which was bit of a shock) and feeling my feet stretch and move up and down.
Lie down in a comfortable chair or on a bed, preferably on your back. If you lie on your side you might fall asleep too fast. Put your hands on your sides and start relaxing the body. Go from top to toe and relax each muscle and start over again (I find it helpful to use my breath). This is very important to get right, because if you don't relax properly you won't be able to project out of your body. Try to let go of any thought that might come up and stay concentrated on the relaxation. Relaxation is the base of most meditation practices and is quite essential.
Concentration on the heart beat
You can start concentrating on your heart beat, when you are fully relaxed. Take three deep breaths if you can't hear the beat. Concentration is also extremely important at this stage and throughout the whole practice. The better concentration we have, the more likely we are to project. Now you may experience strange sensations in the body but it's important that you don't get caught up in them, but keep concentrating on the heart beat.
You will split from your body if you manage to fall asleep while staying concentrated.
OBEs, as they are called in short, happen when the body is asleep or dead (known as near death experiences). We leave our body every night without being aware of it, because usually when we go to sleep we submerge within thoughts which become real to us in forms of dreams. Falling asleep this way, we are not aware of the process of sleep that occurs. But if we were to stay concentrated on one thing as we go to sleep and not let ourselves be taken away by thoughts, we would experience the different stages of sleep and hopefully reach the level that is needed for us to split from the body. It may sound a bit contradicting that we can be awake when the body sleeps, but it is possible. Fears
Common fears regarding this subject, may be "what if it is dangerous?" and "what if I can not get back to my body?" Well, we leave our body unconsciously every night and we wake up the next morning and nothing has happen to us. We always come back to our body. The difficult part is staying out.
What can we do there?
We can verify things for ourselves. We can travel anywhere we like at a super speed. We can fly, walk through walls and even find out the big questions in life; why are we here? what happens when we die? and are there angels or spiritual beings? There is so much to discover.
Thank you for your story!
ReplyDeleteThank you for your story!